02 6247 8000 - How Can We Help?

During pregnancy, your body undergoes significant changes in a short timeframe. If your body adapts well there is likely to be little pain, discomfort or stress. However, if your body has trouble with the adaptation there might be a range of issues that your Osteopath may potentially help with.

Some musculoskeletal problems that may occur:

  • Back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Swelling
  • Sacroiliac joint pain
  • Pubic symphysis joint pain
  • Fatigue

Osteopaths are primary health care practitioners. We are trained to recognise causes of pain or complications which may require referral. We may also refer you for further diagnostic assessment or communicate with your healthcare specialist or GP.

What will treatment involve?

Step Into Health Care have specialised pregnancy pillows allowing you to lie prone (face down on the treatment table) up to 40 weeks.

During an appointment, a case history is taken, followed by an Osteopathic examination to help identify the areas of stress or strain on your body.

Treatment may help alleviate musculoskeletal symptoms and a range of gentle techniques are used. Particular attention is focused on the pelvis in regard to symmetry, strain or previous injury which may help your symptoms.

Treatment may also focus on any appropriate exercises, advice on postural and pain relief to help implement an overall management plan throughout all stages of pregnancy and post-natal recovery.


Osteopathic manipulative treatment of back pain and related symptoms during pregnancy: a randomized controlled trial.